Pilot Online: Why Officer Workers Across the Country are Switching to Standing Desks by Philip Walzer
If you have a desk job, then the discomforts of sitting for longs hours are no stranger to you. Back pain is regular and scheduling time to exercise becomes a necessity. Fortunately, we live in a day and age with some great ergonomic solutions.
The article, "Why Officer Workers Across the Country are Switching to Standing Desks" by Philip Walzer discusses the transition to standing workstations including the benefits, as well as a few flaws in the model Walzer tested. SEK Solutions offers a sit-stand work station that actually eliminates all of the mentioned flaws, like being unable to adjust monitor heights, while keeping all the same benefits. Intrigued? Ready to make the change to a customized work experience? We are too.
Due to being relatively new to our product roster this year, one of our team members, James Roark, was excited to test out our Winston Sit-Stand Workstation for a few months to validate the benefits. Like many of the users in the article, he found the transition to standing easy and was initially surprised by how often he finished his work day feeling great. He stands 90% of the time now and has no intention of going back to stationary desk work.
Benefits of the Winston Sit-Stand Workstation Include:
- Reduced back pain. Less stress is forced on the lower lumbar region of the back when standing. Go home feeling great!
- Adjustable height. Sit or stand as much as you like since the height is flexible. The article mentioned that the model Walzer tried out could not modify the height of the monitor or keyboard when standing, which could make usage slightly uncomfortable. Although the model type was not actually revealed, we already know Walzer must not have used a Winston Workstation, a model with easily adjusted monitor and keyboard heights.
- Maintaining good health. Excessive sitting is associated with a number of chronic diseases and conditions.
- Staying alert. It’s easier to fight off that post-lunch crash when you are on your feet.